Author: teletubbie
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:42 pm
i have recently changed chemist and the new chemist uses the same pill crusher for subutex and suboxone. I have noticed that i feel ill on the days i dose at the chemist. I have been on subutex for many years and only take it as directed ( under the tounge ) and do not use any other medications or opiates.
Has any one else noticed a difference such as headache and sore muscles.
Just also wanted to add in my opinion dr’s and health care proffessionals only seem to be focusing on abstinace recovery, like a one size fits all treatment ( while this is obviously the ultimate goal for all addictions ). Because of the complex nature of addiction. Harm minimization may keep some patient more stable and have better long term outcomes and less likely to fail.
This is my opinion only and obviously goes agaist the current government policy.