Need some recommendations on some inpatient detox facilities

Author: stephent

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:40 pm

downing2b wrote:
I’m either going to palm partners or just a mini vaca to FL or Cali and stay for 10 days.

If you don’t end up going the traditional 12 step location and decide to take a vacation do you have anyone to go with or a place to stay? Or do you have plans to go somewhere where you can engage in activities? I think if you get that low of a dose you might be able to basically distract yourself, especially after the first few days.

Whenever I am tapering I eventually just notice one day that "oh, I actually feel okay today" and that is when I know I am getting close to stabilizing on that current dose.

Going to a 12 step place would bring up a bunch of issues that I personally do not want to revisit (I gave the 12 steps a good try, found that it actually made it harder for me and I was thinking some crazy stuff). What Tear said is correct, most 12 step places are rigid in their beliefs and you should prepare to get told that you actually haven’t ever been "clean".