pain management after birth

Author: marie

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:20 pm

Hi XTina!

Wow!! You’re almost at the very end girl! I bet you’re so excited!! Is this your first?

I had my son ten months ago (while on Subutex). I had been taking 16mg before becoming pregnant. And, continued to take that dose up until about 10hrs before I gave birth….via C-Section.

Personally, I feel this is something you should discuss with both your O.B and your Sub Doc….and come up with a plan.
In my case, I knew there was a high probability that I was gonna end up having another section (this is my second child). I also knew in my heart that I absolutely did NOT want any kind of regular agonist.

Everyone is different. But, Im pretty sure that if you have a vaginal birth….800mg IBProphen, and maybe some Toradol should do the trick. I think THAT, along with your Subutex will be enough if you deliver vaginally.

Now, if you end up having a section….it can be a little more difficult.

As I stated, I had a C-Section. My O.B and I decided for me to have a Spinal (which numbs you from the waist down) for the actual surgery. I was completely awake for the entire surgery, and brestfed my son 15min after they finished sewing me up. It was so beautiful!!

At the end of surgery (for post-op pain), my O.B put a pain pump in for me. This WORKED WONDERS!! This pumped local anesthetic into my incision the entire time I was at the hospital (three days). Then, they put a line in my wrist. And I received Toradol (which is a NSAID like Tylenol, but much much stronger) every eight hrs.

I started back on my Subutex the day after I gave birth. Once released, I began taking 800mg IBProphen and Toradol tablets….along with my Subutex.

FYI- From everything I’ve heard, if your gonna use Toradol……you must START on it I.V…….otherwise, it dosen’t work very well.

Now, Im not gonna lie…….there was still a good amount of pain for about two weeks post-partum. But, this was MY decision. I know myself. And, I didn’t wanna take a chance of feeling euphoric from regular pain medication (not saying that I would have felt euphoric, but that was my fear).

So, I worked very hard with my doctors to come up with a plan. I even spoke with the Anesthesiologist right before my surgery and discussed what I DID and DID NOT want in my I.V during the surgery. Primarily, because I wanted to make sure I was awake for my son afterwards.

I know I’ve just given you alotta information. Hopefully you’ll have a vaginal birth, and things will be much easier.
In any case, please speak with your doctors NOW. You never know, WHEN that baby may decide to come. You’ve gotta be prepared girl.

Finally, do yourself a favor and bring copies of information about Subutex, Subutex and Pregnancy, Subutex and Brestfeeding (all of which you can find online, and most of them on Dr.Junig’s Blog) with you to the hospital.
You’d be surprised how many people, including healthcare professionals……don’t even know what Subutex is!

Good Luck!! If you have any questions for me, feel free to PM me.