My birth story

Author: xtina1111

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:42 pm

I know your post is a Little old but I want to say congrats and thank you for posting it. I am about 28 weeks prego and just freaking out I don’t want my little girl to go to the nicu and I am hearing different things on what to do. My ob said to stop cold turkey in the beg which i knew was just dumb, and the doc who gives me the subutex tells me to stay on 8mg a day and that is a "low dose" and supposedly only like .5 goes to the baby so i don t know what to do if i should keep tapering off or stay at 8 i was on 18 in the beg. but the doc says the bigger i get the more ill need and im trying to stay where i am at. again congrats that is awsome besides that bs you had to go threw I never heard of anything like that. I live in il

My birth story

Author: xtina1111

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:42 pm

I know your post is a Little old but I want to say congrats and thank you for posting it. I am about 28 weeks prego and just freaking out I don’t want my little girl to go to the nicu and I am hearing different things on what to do. My ob said to stop cold turkey in the beg which i knew was just dumb, and the doc who gives me the subutex tells me to stay on 8mg a day and that is a "low dose" and supposedly only like .5 goes to the baby so i don t know what to do if i should keep tapering off or stay at 8 i was on 18 in the beg. but the doc says the bigger i get the more ill need and im trying to stay where i am at. again congrats that is awsome besides that bs you had to go threw I never heard of anything like that. I live in il