Shouldn't a sub dose hit hard after being off for week

Author: Tammy

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:04 pm

Ok so I had to be off sub for about a week or 8 days to be precise. My supply got thrown in the bin accidentally by my Mother. Luckily I manage to get the supply back (do not ask how I got it hehe)..Now I cannot seem to stabilize on a sub dose..I was taking anywhere around 0.5 and 0.7. I am getting the sweats, mild depression and some insomnia. The funny thing is I was not in withdrawal during that whole week, maybe the half life was bouncing back and forth around my receptors? anyway why can’t I stabilize on a dose? I would have actually thought I would get a high and euphoric feeling when I take my sub dose after being off sub for a week. Can anybody explain why that did not happen and rather the opposite happened where am struggling to stabilize?

My opinion is that the withdrawals are too strong and I had a lot of sub built in my receptors, so therefore it is blocking a sub dose for doing its job and stabilizing me. Can anybody agree to this? it is getting me down thinking that I would have a long way to go to recover once I stop sub if my current withdrawals are stopping the sub dose to stabilize me. I genuinely had it in my mind I would actually feel more then stabilized by getting a high, or even get sick, because being off sub for a while clears some sub does it not? so when you take a dose again you tend to feel it hit hard? since that is not happening can anybody explain why? and why are my mild withdrawals stopping my sub dose from holding me?

I do not want to take more then 0.6 because it took me effort and time to reach this dose. I can wait and give it some more time but at the moment I am curious and just want to know why am in this state and not in a state where you feel the sub hit hard if you have not taken it for a while.

Thank you.