Author: Bettyboop
Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:54 am
Thanks guys!
@Amy- I remember your detox from Subs (I think!). Good to see you’re hanging in!! Congratulations.. I agree with you it seems to be the Subs talking now and not the pretty low dose of hydro I was on. I think the Hydro were basically holding off the worst Sub withdrawal symptoms untili stopped them…I actually LOVE when people tells me it gets better- at this point anyway, maybe a week ago, not so much…lol. Last week my Sub doc said "you will feel better in a week, 2 weeks tops" I said TWO WEEKS?!? Like that was the end of the world. As I am walking through the withdrawal process, it’s pretty darn awful at times but honestly once I really made up my mind, I realize the fear of w/d was the biggest anxiety and the only reason I stayed on them so long. I do exercise, although cautiously because of Pneumonia. I am an avid runner/cyclist so can’t wait to be back in the game! I work outside on my flowers every morning, that is super healing..Yoga a sanity saver right now. I go 3 times a week at least..
So I am hanging in there. The Pneumonia actually has been a great excuse "not to feel good" probably longer than the Pneumonia itself, at least to other people…I am pretty scared about the Ativan thing, trying to use it sparingly. Have been addicted to Benzos in the past and that w/d was even more awful than this! Ativan- 2.5 MG yesterday total, Clonidine 3 times. Planning to takes less and less or none each day. The skin crawling later in the day is the worst. I will welcome the day I do not have these!!
I finally, finally slept last night!!! Not straight through but each time I awoke, I was able to fall back asleep..Baby steps!
Rule 62- I TOTALLY understand what u went through. Had surgery in December, twice and both times went back on Subs. I didn’t feel ready to quit yet, ya know? This time I was so sick with the Pneumonia I thought wth-if I’m this sick anyway, may as well be dope sick too! Kind of a strange mental game I play- one day at a time, as they say! I am a true believer you will quit if and when you are ready..I read a lot on the Internet about Sub withdrawal sometimes as we all probably do, for better or not I do learn some stuff sometimes. Mostly it scares me! I did read one guy who said, hey you know how to stop taking drugs?-you just STOP! For some reason that spoke to me. Simple but true. We are really the only ones in charge of our destiny kind of message to me. Good luck in whatever part of your journey you are on!!