Author: Stargazer

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 6:08 pm

Movie Maker 1, so you’ve used subutex longterm too, to make that observation? Is is not possible some one else can have a different reaction to a chemical? I think it’s relavant, as I had depression on 8mg suboxone also, but couldn’t swear it was nalaxone causing it.
Thegreatestislove, suboxone aint a one size fits all "drug" and methadone or even codiene is much perfered and used by addict’s in recovery/ maintenance mode. I know folk with naltraxone implants who enjoy shooting suboxone, as the bup seems to stick so well to receptors. Tho not knowing what malaruri86 D.O.C. is, it could be as you stated a rebound paws like symptom of past drug use, but I know nalaxone can cause slight agitation. And if you alternatively used both I think you would notice the difference.
Simple to accecpt some are more sensitive to chemical compounds than others. Thanks for sharing your experience malarurui86.