First suboxone appt tomorrow and scared

Author: Romeo

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 9:35 pm

Did you take an 8mg strip? Just curious.

It’s nice to feel normal again, ain’t it!!!!

One Lost Soul said, "I’m really ashamed of how far I let my addiction take me….", I really hope you decide to work with an addiction counselor. Suboxone does a good job of killing the opiate cravings (because it’s an opiate, albeit a partial agonist) and it gives you distance from your active addiction, but it really doesn’t help with why you became an addict and Suboxone alone may not get you to a place where you learn to forgive yourself.

Think of this for a second. When someone "crosses" you in your life, do you usually forgive them fairly quickly? If so, don’t you think you deserve the same level of forgiveness for yourself?

I’m usually a pretty forgiving person, but when it came to forgiving myself for my mistakes, especially related to my addiction, I tended to beat the snot outta myself before I forgave myself for my mistakes and that just makes the recovery process that much harder and longer.

Remember, Be Kind To Yourself and our character defects do NOT define who we are!! Wink