Author: TwinCitiesHardcore
Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 1:26 pm
Tell your doctor the truth, and I mean the real, full truth because from where I’m standing something doesn’t sound really right with this scenerio. First of all, Adderall is not a medication to be taken as needed, especially from two year old scripts, a couple doctors ago. If you’re in the process of trying to get back on adderall, have an honest conversation with your Sub doctor and see if he would be willing to prescribe it and manage all your medications to avoid having to see a number of Doctors; lots of MD/Phds are starting to do comprehensive med management for their suboxone caseloads. The fact that you have been a seemingly functional person for two years without taking adderall daily, though, might not help your case. Good luck either way!
EDIT: By the way, abusing a medications isn’t just taking too many of the pills. Abuse is a maladaptive pattern of use, not following the directions/orders present on every bottle like ‘take one tablet three times daily’ or whatever. See where I’m going with this?