Coming off after 10 years…

Author: Karen2013

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:47 pm

Hi, I am grateful to read your story. The detail is exactly what I need. I am not at 10 years..but if you count 20 years with an extreme eating disorder layered with alcoholism for a good 25 years, Tramadol addiction for 3 years and now Sub the last 4..well, withdrawal of some sort I am no stranger too.

Anyway, my sub history is last 4 years – inducting at 8mg down to 2mg the first 6months to year. Then 2 years on 2mg then last year on 1mg.

I agree with your observation on the euphoira at such a low dose (excuse my terrible spelling). I experienced this just trying an experiment going from dosing twice a day to 1x a day on EXACT same dose?! I was asked to change my dosing schedule to 1x a day..? I too pushed that morning dose out more and more so my withdrawal in mornings was instense since I was used to waking up and taking my dose right away. Anyway, I ended up dosing at 9:30am each morning (tried to push to later since I was moving to 1x a day but that was latest I could manage with minimal discomfort)..I knew I was in withdrawal as I was sneezing, freezing cold, sweaty and just over all malaise by that 9:30 am time to dose. But, unlike when I was dosing at .5/.5 the first few days after I dosed I felt like I had doubled my dose?! I actually had 2 experiences..first being I had to remind myself I was still at 1mg as the first experience with changing was I felt like i had just dropped 50% (due to having to now experience withdrawal of my drug wearing off sooner in evenings and waking up more without my "juice", but after I dosed an unusual high for a few days when normally I would feel somewhat juiced but not like that.

Anyway, I think when you skip pone your dose..change your schedule..the more withdrawal you experience you are essentially re-inducting yourself and if I have learned time this happens that is a GREAT time to reduce when you go to dose because it is similar to when I first inducted to sub at all. I was always told to wait to med to heavy withdrawal from my DOC before my first Sub and to try to take as less amount as possible. None of this 16mg like my doc wanted to put me on.

Anyway, I did think to myself that first morning..when I didnt take my 5:am dose..and was going through taking my daughter to school, working alittle, doing everything I could to keep busy (and my mornings include a workout)..that was quite eventful without my juice. When I take .5 at the time I wake up at 6:30..I am not noticing any withdrawal to the point it is uncomofortable so that was eventful for me. I wondered the first day I did that it would be great to take less than 1mg and use all that withdrawal to do a partial re-induct at lower dose. Kind of like the skipping days concept.

I didnt do that in this case since I was trying to level at 1x a day first. BTW, I ended up going back to .5.5 for me. I function totally better splitting my dose and dosing down .

Anyway, I agree with your observation. The more withdrawal..the dose effects you more. So I personally am going to use that next time I push my dose back..or go through any unusual delays…I will try to reduce alittle more when I do dose. Because you feel it can most likely get away with less. Keep us posted on your progress.

My status is getting to microdosing before I jump.

For me, I want to not rush it after 1mg. Im not going to rush if I make it to .5..sit for awhile till I feel as comfortable as I do on 1mg. I think alot of people..I think (for me) ..dropping weekly is too fast. Your body needs time to adjust. Anyway…blessings to your progress.