2.5 months.. after 6 years sub.

Author: tinydancer

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:14 pm

Hi my dear,

You know, I belong to another forum that has a decent sized section of just ‘pregnancy & parenting’ issues and support. I’ve seen some of the Women discuss Colicky babies, for years, and I totally sympathize with anyone who has to go through that. Reading about the desperation and willingness to try anything to soothe their uncomfortable babies made me realize that it has to be one of the highest stress situations. Listening to their brutal honesty about the internal struggle to enjoy their newborn babies in the midst of the Colic chaos is also heartbreaking. So, let me take this opportunity to spin your words right back over to you, sister.. If you can make it through a complicated delivery and a Colic baby at such a young age, I have confidence that you can do anything.

Yeah, my doc was prescribing 24mg as well the first couple of years. I weaned down on my own but for the duration, I was simply taking too much. I started taking a split dose early on. It was easier for me to take less sub in total if I took both a morning and evening dose. In my opinion it’s easier to taper that way but it does get tricky the lower the dose. For me, it was easier to take less in the mornings if I knew more was coming later. I hate not being able to sleep at night so I prefer to suffer during the day with a bit of ease at night. That’s just me.. but eventually you have to lower each dose slowly. The film was stronger for me as well. In fact, when I switched to the film, I was really happy to learn that I didn’t need as much sub and that was my first real drop for some time. It was the drop that motivated me to really taper, rather than just talking about tapering (which I did for years.. many years!) LOL

I understand what you mean about your Mom. I kept my maintenance from my in-laws because they had been through so much suffering already, couldn’t bare to have to explain why we needed a medicine to be normal. But you need to do what is best for you, no matter what that is. Whether it is staying on suboxone or getting off. I have half a mind to get us plane tix and hotel rooms somewhere tropical. I did tell you I was good with kids, right? LOL!!

I’ll be thinking of you because I can see your desire bleeding right through your typed words. *hugs*