Not doing too well…

Author: rule62

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:18 pm

Hey TJ,

Glad to read you’re doing a bit better on the new meds. This whole bi-polar thing spins my brain around. Did this exist 100 years ago? I think back then they just threw you in the dungeon if you showed any mental illness.

Your illness is on my mind quite a lot. My wife’s ex best friend is mostly manic but she disappears when it goes the other way. Most of her problem is meth, and that’s why she’s an "ex" BF. She uses meth to stay out of the depression part. But now she looks and acts like an old time meth addict. No real grasp of reality anymore. Very sad.

You may or may not remember, but about 5 years ago, the man who literally saved my life in AA committed suicide. The county hospital doctor cut him off his bi-polar meds. He hung himself right in front of the building so they’d see what the results were of his mis-treatment. That one hit me hard and I wondered why he didn’t call me like he had done in the past. His girlfriend told me that when his meds were cut off he started drinking again after 25 years of sobriety. He was so ashamed of it he didn’t call me.

So when you talk about your illness, it always makes me a bit sad. Please be a good boy and take your meds even if they aren’t perfect. It really sucks to be an addict on top of that.