
Author: Danyellmcc1

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 4:55 pm

I have been having tension headaches which cause migraines and jaw and neck pain for 4 years. I recently quit my job after a hospital stay for depression. When I got out I went to the doctor and was very wary of getting on vicodin again. I just couldn’t function and I hated the feeling. It’s been 3 months and I am taking 1 mg of suboxone a day. I am very sensitive to medications. I want to get off and am scared to death from things I’ve read. I need to know if I should just keep tapering down every few days? Will I really be sick for weeks? I have a 4 year old daughter and I hate that I put myself in this position. At the time the pain was so bad I’d do anything to feel better and get out of the depression that my chronic pain put me in. But the suboxone is causing stomach issues and I need to get off. I feel like such an idiot…I don’t know why I didn’t think it would be hard to get off. Any words of wisdom or encouragement would be helpful.
