Why Is Paroles Allowed To Go To Clinics But Not Probationers

Author: fivebyfive

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 3:41 pm

I work in a VA Treatment court and lots of those don’t allow those folks on probation for substance abuse problems to be on suboxone or methadone either. I think its just the ignorance of the people in the criminal justice system. They dont recognize that suboxone is a form of recovery and it keeps us addicts out of addiction. It’s like they think it’s a bad thing or something. Will you get a chance to speak in front of the judge and try to explain why you are asking to stay on it? If you do maybe you might have your doctor write a letter to them to help you try to educate them? I do think the judge has the final say though. I think the probation officer follows the judge’s/court’s guidelines. I wish i could give more specific info but thats about all I can say.

Why Is Paroles Allowed To Go To Clinics But Not Probationers

Author: fivebyfive

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 3:41 pm

I work in a VA Treatment court and lots of those don’t allow those folks on probation for substance abuse problems to be on suboxone or methadone either. I think its just the ignorance of the people in the criminal justice system. They dont recognize that suboxone is a form of recovery and it keeps us addicts out of addiction. It’s like they think it’s a bad thing or something. Will you get a chance to speak in front of the judge and try to explain why you are asking to stay on it? If you do maybe you might have your doctor write a letter to them to help you try to educate them? I do think the judge has the final say though. I think the probation officer follows the judge’s/court’s guidelines. I wish i could give more specific info but thats about all I can say.