Author: Rick Balls
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 2:29 pm
Sorry to hear that, it hard watching someone in pain. Fentanyl was by far the strongest opiate I have ever taken. Years ago before on subs I had one of those fent lolly pops. I thought it was similar to percocet then so just ate it. That was like an outter body experience. I was trying to call for help but couldnt speak. Almost lost it then it wore off rapidly. Good thing its just a quick deal but not sure what the point is of making fast acting pain relief. What happens in 30 minutes when wears off? Few years later I was on subs and suffered massive injury, basically broke my leg/hip multiple spots. On arrival to the trauma center via ambulance I was given maximum dose of iv fentanyl. The whole time I asking nurse for more because not feeling it at all. This was partly due to injury but also because of suboxone. It took several days of taking real pain meds to start feeling the effects. Most drs and nurses never even heard of suboxone or willing to understand my situation. Therefore I lay there in agony for weeks. Finally the pain management team comes and authorizes a morphine drip. They bring in machine and put next to bed but not hooked up. I waiting and waiting and nothing. I think these scum of the earth doctors took my morphine and ran with it. Probably passed out in the lounge while I dying in room. Eventually I made calls and rounded up a huge stash of oxy, roxy, and percs. The nurse would come in a give me my 5 mg perc(lol 5mg for me when I shattered whole left side of body) then I would say thanks and take my real meds. In your face dumb ass corrupt hospitsl of junkie nurses. Getting pain meds is like pulling teeth. I not sure what has to happen to get real meds, maybe head falling off. They make mundreds of useful pain meds better than 5mg perccocet but these doctors think its like giving someone heroin. Basically you have to lookout for yourself. If you know you have a high tolerence to pain meds and most doctors not willing to help you out best to bring your own meds with you. Dont mix subs with real pain meds, huge waste. Just stop for 24 hours and start up the real pain meds. After procedure finished you have subs there waiting for you. Thats what I try explaining to these nurses who thought 5mg perc was huge dose. I a pro at this been going on and off pain meds thru all my surgeries. Always have the subs ready for when it time to stop. I already been a bad junkie and no hopes of returning to that. If I on pain meds belive I in massive internal pain from surgery only. No more recreational medicating what so ever. Just make sure you wait at least 12-18 hours btw last dose of pain meds and first dose of subs and you will have limited wds.