Staying clean with a mood disorder – how do you do it?

Author: amber4.14.11

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:24 am

Glad to hear it TJ,,,,
and I have no answer to your question, still…….LOL
but Im still HERE for moral support!!!
I know that counts for … SOMETHING……. Wink

My hubby’s on paxil cr, (now the generic, but probably going back to the paxil due to needing viagra with’m!!)
AND, the generic Xanax, for when the rage episodes hit,
but he doesn’t take it often, I’d say once a month, if that.

i don’t mind ya asking.
when he went to see the dr. a month ago, about the "problem" we were having, Um, she wanted to "try" some new
meds ,,,
I remember the FIRST TIME we went thru that,,, and OMG, I’d MUCH RATHER him have to take viagra, a couple times a week
than to EVER take THAT roller coaster ride, EVER AGAIN……..

we even seperated for a couple of weeks, after he was first diagnosed, and they were "trying" meds on him.
So far so good with this combination,,,
except, we had to switch him to the generic,
when I lost MY patient assistance thing, for the suboxone.
only one of us, can have a $400 per month script!!!!
Now that IM DOWN to 8mg a day, he’s gonna go BACK on the name-brand, and drop the V.
He’s stuck with me, thru all this addiction crap, and no he hasn’t been perfect, either. but we both love each other very much,
and honestly, I guess 13 years together, your willing to "work" thru things.

Good Luck TJ
and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!