4th day taking Suboxone strips, 5th day off Oxycodone…

Author: Barelyboxed

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:31 am

Hey Zy! I agree with the others. If you continue Suboxone, especially at the kind of doses you’re taking now, you’ll wind up with an opiate tolerance and physical dependence much more severe than where you were at 30-60mg of oxycodone a day.
There is another consideration, however. That is, the degree of obsession or psychological dependence you already have in place. That is something that is harder to measure than the physical side of addiction. And it is something that tends to become worse over time, and with each attempt to quit, in my opinion. So, for some people with that severe obsession or multiple failed attempts to quit, even if they don’t take all that high of dose of opiate, Sub might be the way to go.
Anyway, I agree that you’re nausea/vomiting is likely due to your Sub dose being way too high for you. If I were you, I’d stop now. You’ve got enough Sub in your system already that you should not feel any true withdrawals for a good two to three days. If at all possible, I’d ride it out and see if and when it hits. It may not….you may have sort of "bridged" the oxy withdrawals with the Sub. And the Sub may clear your system gradually enough that you don’t suffer at all. That’s obviously the best case scenario.
Other than that, if you do somehow get slammed with withdrawals that you cannot handle, I implore you to take only a very tiny piece of Sub, like 1mg or less, wait an hour and I think you’ll see that a little bit of Sub can go a long way!
Good luck. Please let us know what happens.