Author: BeautifulMess
Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 12:49 am
In my opinion I dont think suboxone should have been the route you took, only being addicted 6 months and only making 1 previous attemp to stop using but thats just my opinion. 12mg may even be raising your opiate tolerance honestly but I cant say for sure. Many of us on suboxone chose suboxone because we had tried numerous times to get clean and never could, no matter what and many of us were so bad with our addictions we were either on the verge of losing everything or already had. It is not to soon to start tapering off the subs but you have to do it right and stick to it. This is one of the main reasons I believe anyone considering going on a medication should learn everything there is to know about it before hand. If you read around the forum you can find out alot of info. Pain pill withdrawal (the physical symptoms) usually last around 4-7 days and since you were only dependent for about 6 months, I dont think you will have much of an issue with PAWS, some people on subs find it fairly easy to get off of with the right taper plan and others suffer withdrawals for 30-60 days, sometimes they struggle longer.. theres no way to tell how easy or hard it will be for you because it obviously depends on alot of things.. not everyones body is the same. PLEASE read around the forum and educate yourself as much as possible.. Any other questions, feel free to ask. Good luck with everything and I hope everything works out for you.