39 weeks pregnant taking subutex without a script

Author: Amy-Work In Progress

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 4:38 pm

Amber, that was an awesome response because it provided a lot of good information for this mom.

Bluedog, I’m thinking that you’ve already had your baby by now. If you haven’t, I’m so sorry! I know what it’s like to be overdue! lol I’m hoping that you’ll come back to this thread and let us know what happened with you and your new baby. Did your baby experience any noticeable withdrawal symptoms? Did the hospital staff become aware?

My wish for you is that you have a happy, healthy baby, and that you are looking into finding a suboxone doc to help you with a treatment plan. Have you tried to find a sub doc before? Do you have insurance that will cover your doctor visits and prescriptions?

I have no doubt that you are a concerned mom, and I hope that your future with your baby is bright and hopeful. Smile
