Author: sweet16
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:43 pm
FOR sure get the Test. checked and guys are really sensative about their manhood so with this in mind do not do anything to bruise him. I find in past relationships the more you want of something the less they are willing to give it. It is JUST a LOT of pressure. Ya know. Sub ABSOLUTELY decreases sex drive. I was rescearching DHEA (a suppliment) and found that it is something that I as a woman am going to try myself. (& have) Look it up online. It is suppose to help maintain and regulate peoper hormone levels which BTW can be depleted by opiate use… So worth a shot IMO. Well marriages are suppose to be for better or for worse right… I mean I have NO room to talk been there & divorced 3 times. But that is me and I am NOT right, where marriage is concearned. (upbringing issues) So give it your BEST shot. You owe it to your kids your husband AND most especially yourself. your marriage is WORTH it.. Good luck.. & hope you enjoy the books. (I can tell you are determined woman!)