The affect of painkillers on a teenager

Author: mrssky

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:08 pm

Good for you Fireman. I am so impressed with a person your age being able to come clean to parents and getting help. Your life will go so much farther as a result. I have only been on subs for about 7 months. I try not to think about when I can get off of them, and worry more about just staying on the road to sobriety. ( And I am a tad older than you, .lol) I sometimes wonder with people who really want off of them quick… Whats the rush? I know they may have more sideeffects than I do, but I just think about how life was when I was chasing the high, and those are some side effects I NEVER want to feel again. So for me, I think, don’t rush. I only want to do this one time. I am going to take my time and do it right.
Good luck to you and welcome.

Another noob

Author: Rich-PMS

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:24 pm

A little more about me:
Im 24, and my DOC was oxy/roxy, and was a daily doing for about 10 months. i was about 16-17 when I first tried OxyContin and used it recreationally here and there until April 2011 when it became just about daily. They always made me speedy, wide awake, motivated, ect. I began using them after work to make me perky when I went home, rather than going to sleep because I worked 14-16hrs and wanted to spend time with my wife and son. I rarely ever used at work, because I’d wake up the next morning feeling GREAT. Withdrawl would hit me about 36 hours after my last dose, so I was able to budget my extra cash so I wasn’t ever really sick.

I realized how much money I was wasting when my wife kept asking what I’m spending my money on, and I had nothing to show for it. That’s when I decided I need to quit, but I’d only be able to get 2-3days clean before I’d cave in due to the body aches and massive headache. I got in my moms insurance plan as of 1/1/12, but kept procrastinating about getting help. My mind wanted to get clean, but my body was saying different. Well, I got arrested 1/20/12 with half a pill. So I really had no choice but to tell my wife, and that was the last kick in the ass to fully motivate me to get help.

1/27 Was the last time I got high. I got a Dr appointment for 1/24 at 8am. When I spoke with the dr on the 23rd he basically said "the last time you used will be over 72hrs before your appointment tomorrow, and you have to piss dirty for opiots/oxy or I can’t accept you into treatment" so the last time I USED was Sunday 1/22, I picked up one pill to ensure a dirty test.

So today is 1 week clean. I just wish I was getting so much shit for having a beer or glass of wine with dinner! I wasn’t using to "deal with problems" so I feel VERY confident that I wont start drinking to replace the pills. I’ve read about the dangers of drinking excessively on suboxone, which Im not going to do. Just want to be able to enjoy a beer here and there!

Again, thanks for the warm welcome!


Author: courtney b

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:42 pm

Cryonight you are a very brave and strong person for sharing your story with us. I hope you find your road to recovery and find lots of happiness. Coming of sub is hard enough but know you have friends to talk to here on the forum.

Courtney Laughing

Suboxone and joint pains especially at night…

Author: jonathanm1978

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:44 pm

mrssky wrote:
Have you had your knees checked out by a dr.? Like hat said, you may have had some knee problems that you did not know about because it was covered up by your using. Maybe you have a knee prob. and it is slowly getting worse? I hope not for you. I would see a dr. and get it checked just to rule it out, then talk to your dr. about lowering your dose to see if it gets better. Then you would know if it is a side effect. Good Luck to you…

I had a torn meniscus(sp), but it only started out as my knee popping…and the more I worked in the printing press company, crawling around in angle bars and running the web through the press, the worse my knees got with popping. Eventually, about 8 months after it started, it was to the point that I couldn’t stand for my knee to pop when I knelt down. It began with me kneeling down and hearing a loud pop, sounded like my leg was breaking…and by 8 months later, it was popping and shifting out of place a little..

When the DR did an MRI, he said I waited WAY too long to come in, and that arthritis had built up in my knee really bad, which he couldn’t do anything for. But I also did further damage by waiting…because what started as just a torn meniscus, evolved into a torn meniscus and chondral flap — the cartilage that protects the end of the joints on both top and bottom had come loose from the top bone, and was sticking strait down. This was the shifting motion I would feel when it popped, and when it DID pop, and I stood up, it was bone on bone grinding until it shifted back. I still have the MRI photo somewhere, you can see it…


Author: jonathanm1978

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:10 pm

subie wrote:
Gday natattack, really sorry about your mum
One side effect of Suboxone Iv’e noticed is the lack of a desire to drink alcohol, only been on Suboxone for 10 weeks but in that time I havn’t touched a drink.
Considering my past history of serious binge drinking,which has landed me in detox a few times I think my liver is over the moon that I’m on Suboxone.

I too used to be one that would drink occasionally..and even in the away from doing a binge "drunk"…I would drink 3 or 4 tops…just for a relaxing feel…but once I started Suboxone, I quit that even. There was beer in my fridge (like one or two from a six back), when I went on Suboxone full-force…and 9 months later, there was STILL a beer in my fridge, and the last one got poured down the sink..I remember 3 or 4 months after I started Suboxone, I opened one..took about 3 sips from it..and poured the rest out. So the last beer I had stayed in the fridge nearly a year before it was thrown away.

Just doesn’t really appeal to me anymore…I have never been big on drinking..done it quite a bit…but never really got "hooked" into it. But now, when I was taking pills – and chasing pills — i remember even bragging about eating my pills with a beer, just to "kick" the pill a bit and make it feel even better. So I would start out drinking a beer to take my lortabs..then I’d take more lortabs..drink more beer..take more tabs…etc.

Oh, the things that SHOULD have happened to me…but thank God I’m here to day to tell my story!

a mom of an addict who really needs some advice

Author: slipper

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:58 pm

kimg70 wrote:
Hi, my son is an addict, started doing heroin at 16, he is now 21 he also got into oxys and other opiates pretty heavy from what he tells me. he stole anything we had of value over and over again, he swore up and down he did not have a problem, I was the only one who knew better, finally I got tough and told him it was rehab or we weould not have anymore to do with him he finally agreed to go, I was online calling the 1-88 #’s within moments of his agreement, beware of the 1-800 #’s but that is another story, before he went, he begged me for money to go buy a suboxin, this was the first i heard of these but I guess he had been doing them regularly wehn he could for a while, and when his friends supply ran out, he would go into horrible withdrawels, mood swings etc. ( I se this in hindsight) anyway,, he got on a plane for the west coast across the country from us. the first stop was a 7 day detox- I did not know this at the time but the detox consisted of suboxone, then they brought him to the 30 day ctr, this place does not believe in subscribing suboxone, so he spent the next 10 days to current withdrawing from that, he says his chest hurts, the first days he could not eat, sleep , was depressed, it did not get better, the ctr prescribed flexoroll, anti – anxiet , about 6 diff pills, today they told him he was bipolar and add so he is on librium , flexorol, blah, blah, blah, he insists he just needs suboxone and he will be able to focus and function and that he wants to leave, I have been thinking suboxone is what caused all this angst in the first place but reading here I am wondering if I am right or is he? will things get better and is the addict just trying to get out? is he getting more messed uo by this new drug cocktail, should I find a suboxone clinic and try to get him moved? will outr lif EVER be normal, is he truly bipolar , add, blah, blah, blah? he was a normal kid until we moved and other life- changing events occured when he was 13 so I can’t believe he is mentally ill. any help and advice and insight would be greatly appreciated. thanks and God Bless!

First of all I am no doctor and this is just my opinion. I don’t have much for treament centers..I have been in 5 that never offered suboxone and basically just let me cold turkey it without any drugs at all….never worked.

I it were my son I believe I would take him out of that 1500.00 a day center and get him in to see a good suboxone doctor.
If he is addicted to opiates, which it sounds like he is the suboxone will stop his withdrawal, make him feel like his normal self again and not have any cravings for opiates and learn how to live without them. Yes suboxone is an opiate but it is not like the ones he is addicted to. Suboxone does not give you a "high", and the more you take does not do anything for you, you do not feel it, therefore it is easier to stay on the dose the doctor prescribes. Suboxone has been a life savor for me. I was addicted for 29 years and I take 12mg. subutex a day and I have no cravings for my old way of life. I actually have my life back.

This might not work at all for your son but keeping him in a center where they are giving him all kinds of drugs does not sound right….you don’t want him doing the melleril shuffle…."ant" been no place" "ant" going no place"…just shuffling!

Again this is just an opinion for what it is worth. I hope whatever you and your son decide will help him to get well and my thoughts and prayers are with you.


painless detox????

Author: Romeo

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:24 pm

Tearjerker reminded me of an excellent point, drugs aren’t really our problem, we are our problem. We can run all we want, but it’s like trying to run away from your ass…..everywhere you go, turn around and there’s your ass. Try as you might, you can’t outrun it.

Drug use is only a symptom of our disease, IMO. We really have to work on our addiction.

I don’t think the move is a bad thing, it may buy you enough time away from your easy triggers to address your addiction, but I don’t think the move, in and of itself, is gonna fix you.

Either way, I wish you lots of luck.

Addicted to painkillers need help / advice

Author: young&confused

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:43 pm

Hi everyone,

I found this site because I am currently struggling with an addiction to painkillers – oxycodone which I take 3 times a week about 15-20 mg per use. This constant use started roughly 6 months ago and I realize that I am becoming more dependent to the painkillers and that my tolerance has gone off. I have tried stopping cold turkey and have gotten to 4-5 days while dealing with withdrawls such as depression and anxiety and though the cravings seem to get managable by the 4th day or so I always just end up taking one regardless just because I like the high and how it relieves my stress. I am 23 and currently work full time and am studying to earn my CPA which has caused a lot of stress over the past 6 months. I have been suffering from alot of anxiety over the past two years with bouts of depression which started as I began to start my transition from college into the real world. On the side I have been also battling a porn addiction which I have now been successfully clean with for 2 months but has also contributed to my use of PKs as a way to get my release and not look at porn. The tradeoff is obviously an unhealthy one, but porn has been consuming my life for years and I was determined to stop that addication even if it meant that I would have to substitute that high from porn with something else short term and pks were a way to do this. I I used to take pks occasionally and then started to use them more often on the weekends as a way to deal with hangovers from drinking the night before. I have had several knee surgeries in the past 4 years which introduced me to painkillers. I am finding that my depression has started to be present more and more as I use the pks and then I go through withdrawals for 2-3 days per use during the work week and then I repeat the cycle again the next week. The first day without taking them is okay but then on the 2nd or 3rd day during the week, I find my anxiety and depression come up very strongly and I go on an emotional roller coaster. I hate the way I feel when I am down and want to get off of this slippery slope before I get in too deep and it ends up causing serious problems. I currently still have some PKs left and have considered trying to taper off, but I don’t know how to appropriately do this and I am concerned that I will just relapse and go by more if I end up feeling depressed or stressed due to work and studying. I have read that Suboxone has helped alot of people quit this addiction and avoid the very miserable withdrawal symptoms that come from trying to stop. I am hoping that people on this forum could help provide me some guidance as how I can successfully quit my opiate addiction. I have started seeing a therapist for my anxiety and depression and talking with them about my problems has helped. However with the dependence I have started to form to the pks, I don’t think that therapy alone will help me stop. I want to get back to the normal me and not be dependent on drugs to make me feel good. I currently take adderall for my ADD and 150mg effexor xr for my anxiety and depression. Could Suboxone be a possible way for me to help quit this addition? Many thanks for the help.

Apathy anyone???

Author: johnboy

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:54 pm

sorry roby’. i have been through the ins and outs with this horrible problem for years. and thoght it was the soboxone. but going through other types of depression apathy anxiety it realy is not the subs cousing it.we go through apathy/depression /anxiety witch some times is just part of life. and then we find drugs that then lead us to soboxone,witch is a easy’r drug to get use too and atatched to. well then we become our selfs again and find our problems getting better or worse depending on our mind and brain. i got very sick on soboxone, and let me tell you". it was NOT THE SOBOXONE!! but i blamed it on it any way finding out later that it was a other medication that took me a long time to recover from. whatch out for other meds" they can make you sicker than soboxone ever will! soboxone gives us that strange chain a round are leg feeling becouse we know it won’t get us high but has the same stuff in it. and soboxone being a partial opiate it would not make any scense with that other stuff in it to cause these problems at such a horrible rate. plus we all have been taking drugs/med/ long enough to understand this. i hope you find the rite stuff to make you feel a lot better roby?