2.5 months.. after 6 years sub.

Author: tinydancer

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:49 pm

Hi jmdear,

I’ve been trying to think of how to answer your post. I feel for you. I’m not sure how much help I’ll be as I don’t have Children yet and I didn’t have anyone completely dependent on me while I was going through it. I will say that if you taper down to a low level, it will not be as bad as you think at any given moment. It’s more the longevity of it but even then, that really varies person to person. I can tell you that I jumped on a saturday and only missed one day of work, the first Monday. I went to work everyday after that. I have an office job but still, my mind had to be "on" and I had to get up everyday and go through the motions. Some days were just easier than others but I did it. As a mom, I’m assuming you’re used to taking care of the kids whether you have a cold or didn’t get enough sleep? I think you have to be in that mindset.

There are tricks to making it easier. Music in the car while driving, music on your ipod while you’re waiting for kids at practice.. Advil. Clonidine. I would even suggest talking to your doctor about a short term sleep aid. Many people suggest OTC sleep aids but I used a benzo. It helped me and I was able to completely stop w/ out any issues but I understand that may not be the case for everyone. Hot baths after the kids are a sleep.. etc.

If this is truly what you want, I’m sure you can do it. The fear is worse than the reality, it’s just a commitment. You can message me anytime, if you want.

Let me know how you’re doing.