2.5 months.. after 6 years sub.

Author: jmdear

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 2:29 pm

Thank you for the reply. I just have one daughter…though she is so busy, everyone says she like having 3 boys Smile
I would like another baby, but there is no way I am doing it while on subs. My husband, my daughter and the desire to give her a sibling is my motivation to stop, at least until I can begin to care of about myself enough.

I am a very busy person…perhaps borderline hyperactive. Before the economy tanked here, I was a restaurant manager at a busy touristy-type place…I speed-walked an average of 8 miles a night(my assistant gave me a pedometer as a joke, but I used it). When I was that busy, I would sometimes forget to take the subs…I felt so much better even then…but working that much was hard on my daughter. I am hoping to find a happy medium somewhere before I start this process. I have lowered my dose by 4 mg this past week and only had a few days of anxiety, though it was bad. I am hoping to be on the lowest dose by summer break…then I can take her to Florida to visit Grandma, and perhaps get off then.

Thank you for all the tips.